Creating value from wastes to help achieve net zero
Transport fuels and circular economy products from wastes are essential ingredients in the energy transition journey towards net zero.
New chemical recycling technologies will supplement existing mechanical recycling.
Navigating environmental complexities at pace
Revamping existing hydrogen plants can provide a significant and lasting impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards net zero
Catalysts and adsorbents in the energy transition
Catalysts and adsorbents play a crucial role in the energy transition, from the development of biofuels and the circular economy to green hydrogen pro ...
A bio-based solution for producing renewable ethylene
Atol utilises a unique catalyst and an innovative energy recovery system to produce cost-effective bio-ethylene from renewable sources.
Transforming carbon and paving the way for a circular economy
Carbon capture and utilisation could enable a new circular carbon economy where carbon is reused to generate value rather than wasted.
Chemical recycling of waste plastics: The role of catalysts
Pyrolysis oil from plastics enables the integration of the circular economy for sustainable chemicals and energy
Circular economy strategies for petrochemical sustainability
Sustainability is a journey for the industry, not a destination, and the circular economy is one of the tools to make that journey possible.
Achieving end-of-life plastic circularity with a refinery unit (ERTC 2023)
Every year, in Europe alone, roughly 30 million tonnes of plastic waste is collected. However, more than 80% of that resource is not recycled into new ...
A refiner's role in upgrading plastic waste
Plastic consumption is projected to skyrocket in the coming decades for packaging, automobiles and construction, increasing to 1, 231 million tonnes in ...
CORALIS: industrial symbiosis in energy-intensive industries
An EU project aims to enhance the knowledge base for industrial symbiosis to ensure data accuracy and comparability in existing and new IS initiatives
Key to scalable, sustainable hydrocarbon fuels
A novel iron-based catalyst and process directly convert CO2 and green H2 from water into jet fuel range hydrocarbons in one step, reducing Capex and ...
10 key takeaways: The material impact of IRA on decision-making
Nineteen months on, what impacts has the landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) had on the net zero transition investment landscape and supply-demand ...
FCC flue gas scrubber alternatives: part I
The merits of combining additives and barrier filters as a cost-effective and highly efficient way of meeting SOx, NOx and particulate matter emissions ...
Circular syngas with biomass and plastic waste gasification
Solid and liquid gasification has the potential to unlock and convert advantaged feeds into high-value, bio-based and circular fuels, chemicals, and p ...
Energy transition and circular economy facilitated by biomass and plastic waste gasification
As the demand for lower-carbon and more circular products intensifies, more and more refiners and chemical manufacturers are evaluating the potential benefits ...
Improving plastic circularity by upgrading pyrolysis oil
Our current use of plastics is ahead of our ability to handle waste plastic volumes. Only around 15% of plastics produced each year are recycled, with ...
Environmental Monitoring Guide
Discover a streamlined approach to achieving environmental excellence in manufacturing. This comprehensive guide focuses on key environmental KPIs, strategic ...
Carbon capture solutions to help meet net zero goal
Action must be taken to address the climate crisis, and carbon capture is key to lowering emissions and driving business outcomes.
Diversification of feedstocks essential for sustainable aviation fuel production
Relying on a single feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production is not a realistic option.
Creating a strong plastics recycling pathway to meet rising demand
The rising demand for plastics presents two main challenges: the environmental impact of production and waste and the reliance on fossil resources.
Chemical recycling of waste plastics to create circular polymer (RI 2024)
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by producing International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) ...
New chemical recycling technologies will supplement existing mechanical recycling.
Circular economy strategies for petrochemical sustainability
Sustainability is a journey for the industry, not a destination, and the circular economy is one of the tools to make that journey possible.
FCC flue gas scrubber alternatives: part I
The merits of combining additives and barrier filters as a cost-effective and highly efficient way of meeting SOx, NOx and particulate matter emissions ...
Navigating environmental complexities at pace
Revamping existing hydrogen plants can provide a significant and lasting impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards net zero
Catalysts and adsorbents in the energy transition
Catalysts and adsorbents play a crucial role in the energy transition, from the development of biofuels and the circular economy to green hydrogen pro ...
A bio-based solution for producing renewable ethylene
Atol utilises a unique catalyst and an innovative energy recovery system to produce cost-effective bio-ethylene from renewable sources.
Key to scalable, sustainable hydrocarbon fuels
A novel iron-based catalyst and process directly convert CO2 and green H2 from water into jet fuel range hydrocarbons in one step, reducing Capex and ...
Creating value from wastes to help achieve net zero
Transport fuels and circular economy products from wastes are essential ingredients in the energy transition journey towards net zero.
Achieving end-of-life plastic circularity with a refinery unit (ERTC 2023)
Every year, in Europe alone, roughly 30 million tonnes of plastic waste is collected. However, more than 80% of that resource is not recycled into new ...
A refiner's role in upgrading plastic waste
Plastic consumption is projected to skyrocket in the coming decades for packaging, automobiles and construction, increasing to 1, 231 million tonnes in ...
CORALIS: industrial symbiosis in energy-intensive industries
An EU project aims to enhance the knowledge base for industrial symbiosis to ensure data accuracy and comparability in existing and new IS initiatives
10 key takeaways: The material impact of IRA on decision-making
Nineteen months on, what impacts has the landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) had on the net zero transition investment landscape and supply-demand ...
Chemical recycling of waste plastics: The role of catalysts
Pyrolysis oil from plastics enables the integration of the circular economy for sustainable chemicals and energy
Transforming carbon and paving the way for a circular economy
Carbon capture and utilisation could enable a new circular carbon economy where carbon is reused to generate value rather than wasted.
Environmental Monitoring Guide
Discover a streamlined approach to achieving environmental excellence in manufacturing. This comprehensive guide focuses on key environmental KPIs, strategic ...
Circular syngas with biomass and plastic waste gasification
Solid and liquid gasification has the potential to unlock and convert advantaged feeds into high-value, bio-based and circular fuels, chemicals, and p ...
Energy transition and circular economy facilitated by biomass and plastic waste gasification
As the demand for lower-carbon and more circular products intensifies, more and more refiners and chemical manufacturers are evaluating the potential benefits ...
Chemical recycling of waste plastics to create circular polymer (RI 2024)
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by producing International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) ...
Carbon capture solutions to help meet net zero goal
Action must be taken to address the climate crisis, and carbon capture is key to lowering emissions and driving business outcomes.
Creating a strong plastics recycling pathway to meet rising demand
The rising demand for plastics presents two main challenges: the environmental impact of production and waste and the reliance on fossil resources.
Diversification of feedstocks essential for sustainable aviation fuel production
Relying on a single feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production is not a realistic option.
Improving plastic circularity by upgrading pyrolysis oil
Our current use of plastics is ahead of our ability to handle waste plastic volumes. Only around 15% of plastics produced each year are recycled, with ...
Improving plastic circularity by upgrading pyrolysis oil
Our current use of plastics is ahead of our ability to handle waste plastic volumes. Only around 15% of plastics produced each year are recycled, with ...
Energy transition and circular economy facilitated by biomass and plastic waste gasification
As the demand for lower-carbon and more circular products intensifies, more and more refiners and chemical manufacturers are evaluating the potential benefits ...
Diversification of feedstocks essential for sustainable aviation fuel production
Relying on a single feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production is not a realistic option.
Creating a strong plastics recycling pathway to meet rising demand
The rising demand for plastics presents two main challenges: the environmental impact of production and waste and the reliance on fossil resources.
Carbon capture solutions to help meet net zero goal
Action must be taken to address the climate crisis, and carbon capture is key to lowering emissions and driving business outcomes.
Key to scalable, sustainable hydrocarbon fuels
A novel iron-based catalyst and process directly convert CO2 and green H2 from water into jet fuel range hydrocarbons in one step, reducing Capex and ...
Circular syngas with biomass and plastic waste gasification
Solid and liquid gasification has the potential to unlock and convert advantaged feeds into high-value, bio-based and circular fuels, chemicals, and p ...
Chemical recycling of waste plastics to create circular polymer (RI 2024)
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by producing International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) ...
Environmental Monitoring Guide
Discover a streamlined approach to achieving environmental excellence in manufacturing. This comprehensive guide focuses on key environmental KPIs, strategic ...
Transforming carbon and paving the way for a circular economy
Carbon capture and utilisation could enable a new circular carbon economy where carbon is reused to generate value rather than wasted.
Chemical recycling of waste plastics: The role of catalysts
Pyrolysis oil from plastics enables the integration of the circular economy for sustainable chemicals and energy
10 key takeaways: The material impact of IRA on decision-making
Nineteen months on, what impacts has the landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) had on the net zero transition investment landscape and supply-demand ...
Achieving end-of-life plastic circularity with a refinery unit (ERTC 2023)
Every year, in Europe alone, roughly 30 million tonnes of plastic waste is collected. However, more than 80% of that resource is not recycled into new ...
Circular economy strategies for petrochemical sustainability
Sustainability is a journey for the industry, not a destination, and the circular economy is one of the tools to make that journey possible.
A bio-based solution for producing renewable ethylene
Atol utilises a unique catalyst and an innovative energy recovery system to produce cost-effective bio-ethylene from renewable sources.
New chemical recycling technologies will supplement existing mechanical recycling.
Navigating environmental complexities at pace
Revamping existing hydrogen plants can provide a significant and lasting impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards net zero
Creating value from wastes to help achieve net zero
Transport fuels and circular economy products from wastes are essential ingredients in the energy transition journey towards net zero.
A refiner's role in upgrading plastic waste
Plastic consumption is projected to skyrocket in the coming decades for packaging, automobiles and construction, increasing to 1, 231 million tonnes in ...
CORALIS: industrial symbiosis in energy-intensive industries
An EU project aims to enhance the knowledge base for industrial symbiosis to ensure data accuracy and comparability in existing and new IS initiatives
Catalysts and adsorbents in the energy transition
Catalysts and adsorbents play a crucial role in the energy transition, from the development of biofuels and the circular economy to green hydrogen pro ...
FCC flue gas scrubber alternatives: part I
The merits of combining additives and barrier filters as a cost-effective and highly efficient way of meeting SOx, NOx and particulate matter emissions ...