
Number: 19


  • Refining India Newspaper

    Refining India Newspaper


    Strategies for cost-effective decarbonisation: Future-proofing Indian refineries ... Studies on methanol dehydration over beta zeolite catalyst ... Integrated web platform for accurate GHG emissions mapping ... Fueling success: SAF route to aviation sustainability ... Circular polymer through chemical recycling of waste plastics ... Enhanced reliability monitoring of SMRs using advanced data analytics ... Formic acid production using heterogenised iridium catalyst through the ICCC process ... Mastering mega-scale refinery and petrochemical projects ... Maximising MS production from the isomerisation unit within VLI constraints ... Advancing carbon capture for mass deployment across industries ... Enhancing refinery sustainability with EmulsionSENS in desalter operations ... Hybrid (fresh and regenerated) catalyst loading reduces fill cost and carbon footprint ... Novel approach for assessing integrity of FCC unit cold wall riser with finite element analysis ... How to increase compressor reliability: Combine digital maintenance and AI-based monitoring ... Role of spiral heat exchangers in refineries ... Additised solvent closed-loop cleaning package ... Key actions for precious metal catalysts ... Scope 1 and 2 decarbonisation roadmap for an oil refinery ... Earthquake Warning System ... MellapakEvo and the evolution of structured packing.

  • LARTC Newspaper

    LARTC Newspaper


    Desafíos y oportunidades influyen en la expansión de las refinerías en América Latina ... Maximización del rendimiento de propileno con bajo contenido de  carbono ... Impulsando el éxito: La ruta SAF hacia la sostenibilidad de la aviación ... ¿Estás preparado para lo que viene? ... Catalizadores avanzados y suimpacto en LATAM … Descarbonización de la industria procesadora de hidrocarburos en América Latina ... E-fuels: La clave para descarbonizar refinerías y petroquímicas … LARTC Los Premios de Excelencia: Las Finalistas ... Acciones clave para los catalizadores de metales preciosos ... MellapakEvo y la evolución del empaque estructurado ... eREACT: Liderando el futuro de los reactores eléctricos … Solución 2ACT: Manteniendo altas eficiencias de recuperación en la SRU ... Los cambios en el mercado exigen que las refinerías operen más eficientemente.

  • August 2024 Issue

    August 2024 Issue


    The energy transition: Progressing or stagnating? ... Resiliency in decarbonisation pathways ... Carbon advisory in EMEA ... Powering tomorrow: Financing the energy transition ... Transforming carbon and paving the way for a circular economy ... Point-source carbon capture for industry decarbonisation ... Potential of natural hydrogen in the energy transition ... Optimising electrolytic hydrogen production ... Chemical recycling of waste plastics: The role of catalysts ... Role of liquefied CO₂ carriers in the carbon value chain ... Role of heat integration in a sustainable, low-carbon future ... Catalytic detectors for monitoring hydrogen in combustion flue gas.

  • May 2024 Issue

    May 2024 Issue


    European refiners need to shift from volume to value ... Technology pathways for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) ... Towards net zero with synthetic fuel gasoline ... Low-carbon hydrogen potential with autothermal reforming ... Integrating CCS and synthetic fuels production in a refinery ... Pre-combustion carbon capture ... Could carbon capture be the key to decarbonising heavy industry? ... Recycled aluminium: a key enabler in the energy transition ... Decoding the complexities of decarbonisation ... Electrification as a pathway towards a green refinery ... Life cycle assessment at industrial scale ... Overcoming grid constraints via energy management solutions ... Zeopore is making its mark in green applications through zeolite modification.

  • February 2024 Issue

    February 2024 Issue


    Sustainable solutions with industrial clusters: Part 1 ... Minimise emissions with control and monitoring solutions ... Ultrapure water for electrolysis ... The challenges of transitioning to green hydrogen ... Strategies to maximise profitability in HVO complexes ... Decarbonising the aviation industry ... Producing synthetic fuels from renewable feeds ... A path to net-zero emissions for the oil and gas industry ... Primary data sharing for supply chain decarbonisation ... Addressing the energy trilemma through advanced gasification ... Unlocking high-pressure ammonia.

  • ERTC 2023 Newspaper

    ERTC 2023 Newspaper


    CCS and hydrogen for decarbonisation ... Reduce, reuse, and repurpose: Minor changes for major results ... Predictive model for maximum feedstock flexibility ... maintenance and calibration intervals with accurate instruments and analysis systems ... Thoughts about leadership in the energy transition times ... ReNewFine for renewable diesel and SAF: Results of a 20-year partnership in 100% HVO ... Transforming a refinery unit into a key component of end-of-life plastic circularity ... REFuelEU has set the rules for SAF in the EU:Refineries now need a game plan for success ... Which future? Using scenario analysis to explore national pathways to decarbonisation ... Balancing act of managing a refinery: New technology vs increasing revenue. Conversion to a green refinery configuration: Assessing options, risks, and viability ... Recycling PVC production byproducts can unlock financial and environmental savings ... Precious metal catalyst sampling: Not a trivial pursuit ... Reducing environmental impact of FCCs with wet gas scrubbers by using SOx additives.

  • Refining India 2023 Newspaper

    Refining India 2023 Newspaper


    Guiding the crude-to-chemicals complex towards a net-zero future ... Nuclear gauges and alternative level technologies in critical refinery applications Applications ... How to keep your risk-based inspection program functioning efficiently ... Benefits of spiral and welded plate heat exchangers ... Enhancing environmental sustainability in the oil and gas industry: the REE concept ... Hybrid loading of regenerated and fresh catalyst for a lower carbon footprint ... Novel reactor for three-phase hydroprocessing applications ... Transforming hydrogen production for a greener future with water electrolysis ... K Model: The future of blending ... Increasing chemicals by integrating refinery with petrochemicals ... Used lubricating oil in India: treasure or trash? ... Enhancing profitability using high-efficiency heat exchangers ... Cost-driven natural gas vs hydrogen power for generators ... CO₂-derived bio-based polycarbonate: A route towards sustainability.

  • November 2023 Issue

    November 2023 Issue


    Decarbonisation of transport fuels to reduce emissions ... Reducing GHG emissions from international shipping ... Hydrogen economy Part 2: Converting strategy into reality ... Andalusian Green Hydrogen Valley ... Hydrogen through methane pyrolysis ... Technological challenges facing the current carbon market ... Paving the way to low-carbon propylene from the FCC unit ... Circular economy strategies for petrochemical sustainability ... Heat trace solutions for the energy transition ... Carbon storage in concrete through accelerated carbonation ... Fuelling the decarbonisation of international shipping ... Flue gas analyser identifies leaking burner during normal operation .... Supporting high-temperature mission-critical applications in the energy transition.

  • Responsive image Renewable Fuels Technology
  • Responsive image Industrial heating and filtration solutions
  • Responsive image Energy and Environmental Technologies
  • Responsive image TRI-SHARK control valves
  • Responsive image Decarbonizing through greener combustion
  • Responsive image Flow control for the energy transition
  • Responsive image Catalysts & Adsorbents
  • Responsive image Axens SAF Solutions
  • Responsive image Powering the Energy Transition
  • Responsive image Hydrogen - key to reach net zero goals