Renewable Energy Revenues Summit
20 - 21 May 2025
United Kingdom

Huge economic shocks, decarbonisation commitments and regulatory changes have meant that power purchase agreements (PPAs) for renewable energy are crucial in increasing certainty in the trading of energy.
Year-over-year, the prices of European PPAs have increased 51% so for off-takers, it is business-critical to learn how to risk-manage PPAs to ensure clean energy is delivered cost-effectively.
Meanwhile, energy suppliers must find ways to maximise their revenues from PPAs and trading on the wholesale market to satisfy their financiers, given that subsidy schemes for renewable energy across Europe are being phased out.
The Renewable Energy Revenues Summit closed this divide between the corporates, utility off-takers, generators, asset owners, financiers and law firms so that PPAs are structured in a way that is fair, robust and rewarding for the different counterparties and that opportunities on the wholesale energy market can be taken up. At the Summit attendees learnt:
- How regulatory, credit, profile, volume and imbalance risks can be mitigated when structuring PPAs
- How to price a PPA despite uncertain macroeconomic conditions, regulatory change and a volatile wholesale market for renewable energy
- How to gain value from renewable energy certificates included in PPAs How to hedge effectively when trading renewable energy across the different power markets
- How to use the latest data and modelling to optimise PPAs and power trading
- How PPAs can be best structured for different renewable energy technologies, including wind, solar and batteries
- How to build an energy procurement and trading team to increase certainty in renewable energy trading
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21 - 22 February 2024
17 - 19 February 2025