

Sulzer Chemtech technology selected by a major American refiner to drive decarbonisation efforts

Sulzer Chemtech is helping a major American refiner slash its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by supporting its transition from liquid fuel to petrochemical production with state-of-the-art licensed processing technologies at its facility in Texas. The project will help process over 3000 barrels daily of liquid fuel to deliver valuable aromatics, namely benzene and toluene (BT), for the chemical industry.

The customer awarded Sulzer Chemtech a technology license contract to revamp its existing glycol-based aromatics extraction unit at their refinery to implement a modern GT-BTX extraction unit that reutilizes the existing columns. The project will debottleneck the facility with significantly higher throughput.

The proven GT-BTX™ aromatics recovery technology will shift the plant's fuel production capabilities by improving its recovery of petrochemical grade chemicals. As a result, the refinery will be able to reduce its GHG footprint while improving its portfolio by adding high-quality petrochemicals.

The agreement was signed following the successful completion of basic engineering works by Sulzer Chemtech's specialists, which will also support the next implementation phase and reflect the customer's confidence in the licensed technology. The project uses extractive distillation and proprietary solvents to produce high-purity aromatics from variable feedstocks with exceptional recovery rates and minimal energy requirements and costs. By enabling a production shift from fuels to more profitable petrochemicals, the revamp project offers the refinery a quick returns on investment (ROI) with paybacks expected in less than a year.

Matthew Viergutz, Global Head of Clean Fuels and Chemical Licensing at Sulzer Chemtech, concluded: "We are honored to be selected by our customer for this project, which will accelerate the realization of their decarbonization targets and showcase the benefits of embracing the green path. GT-BTX, our aromatics recovery licensed technology, delivers a reliable and comprehensive solution for large-scale and efficient production of petrochemicals with purities over 99.99 wt.% and recovery rates above 99.9%."


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